How to take a screenshot on a Mac


How to take a screenshot on a Mac

hold down
andshiftand press#
=Your Mac will capture the full screen and saves it as a file on the desktop. The file name will look like “Screen shot 2030-07-1 at 08.13.00 AM.png”.

How do I take a partial screenshot on Mac?

hold down
andshiftand press$
=You can use your mouse to draw a rectangle in order to specify what to capture – or press the spacebar and then click on something (e.g. a window) to capture it. Your Mac then saves it as a file on the desktop. The file name will look like “Screen shot 2030-07-11 at 08.47.00 AM.png”.

Where is my Screenshot?

You will find the file on the desktop.

How can I have a screenshot in the clipboard?

hold downcontroltogether with any of the combinations above=Your Mac will take a screenshot and copies it to the clipboard (instead of saving it as a file).

If it’s in the clipboard now, How can I paste it into a document or something?

hold down
and pressV=Your Mac pastes the screenshot (that is in the clipboard) into a document or image you are currently editing.

Is there a dedicated program for taking screenshots?

hold down
andand press%
=Your Mac starts the Screenshot program. This offers many options.

How can I have my screenshots in other file formats than PNG?

With the Screenshot program (see the above question) you can open screenshots directly in the Preview program. There you can save your screenshots in to JPG, TIFF, PDF, or any other file formats.

How can I take a screen recording?

With the Screenshot program (check above) you can also take screen recordings.

How can I have my screenshots in other file formats than PNG?

With Preview (check the above question) you can save your screenshots in JPG, TIFF, PDF, and other file formats.

How do I take a screenshot of the Touch Bar (MacBook Pro)?

hold down
andshiftand press^
=Your Mac captures the entire Touch Bar and saves it as a file on the desktop.

How can I take screenshots using the command line (“Terminal”)?

  • Try help: man screencapture
  • Example with delay: screencapture -T 10 ~/Desktop/screenshot.png
take a screen recording on mac record my screen mac record screenshot video mac record part of screen mac record your screen mac screen record on my mac take screen recording mac screenshot video mac record the screen on mac screen grab video mac screen record video mac screen record mac screen video mac take video of screen mac screen record mac os osx screen capture video video screen capture mac take a video of my screen mac screen record on laptop mac scrolling screenshot mac macbook screen capture video screen record laptop mac macos capture screen video screen capture recording mac apple screen capture video screen capture macbook mac screenshot tool screen record a mac free screen capture tool for mac grab tool mac screen capture mac app screen record apple mac mac os screen capture screen capture mac scrolling screen capture mac mac screen capture tool snipping tool mac screen grab mac screenshot software mac mac screenshot app snipping tool for mac free screen mac air screen clip on mac macintosh screen capture free screenshot tool for mac screenshot to pdf mac mac screenshot to pdf snipping tool for mac free download editing screenshots on mac snapshot on mac screenshot macbook apple screenshot screenshot on mac take screenshot on mac mac screen shot macos print screen print screen mac mac os screenshot full page screenshot mac long screenshot in mac scroll screenshot mac mac screenshot shortcut screenshot macbook air print screen macbook screenshot macbook pro macbook screenshot shortcut snip on mac ss on mac mac screenshot to clipboard imac screen shot snipping tool macbook screenshot apple mac mac screenshot command screenshot macos print screen macbook air screen shot macbook air screen snip mac mac snipping tool shortcut ss in macbook macbook cap screen mac print screen command print screen macbook pro lightshot mac ss on macbook mac print screen shortcut crop screenshot mac mac screenshot keyboard shortcut greenshot mac osx screenshot macos screen capture macbook screen cap apple screenshot shortcut copy screen mac mac copy screenshot to clipboard macos snipping tool partial screenshot mac copy screenshot to clipboard mac ss in mac screenshot mac pro print screen mac keyboard,screenshot on mac screenshot macbook take screenshot on mac print screen mac snipping tool mac mac screenshot shortcut screen record mac screenshot macbook air screen capture mac mac screen shot screenshot macbook pro take screenshot on macbook mac how to do screenshot print screen macbook apple screenshot screen grab mac macbook screenshot shortcut snip on mac ss on mac mac screenshot to clipboard mac os screenshot imac screen shot snipping tool macbook screenshot apple mac snapshot on mac mac screenshot command screenshot macos screen capture macbook screen shot macbook air screen snip mac mac snipping tool shortcut ss in macbook scrolling screenshot mac mac print screen command ss on macbook mac print screen shortcut crop screenshot mac mac screenshot keyboard shortcut copy screen mac mac screenshot tool screenshot mac pro screen clip on mac mac screenshot window video screen capture mac mac screenshot app mac where are screenshots saved select screenshot on mac mac screen shot keys mac where do screenshots go screenshot apple computer screen record video mac capture image on mac screen record mac os snip tool apple screen print apple macbook pro how to take a screenshot mac how to make a screenshot print screen macbook air macos print screen print screen macbook pro lightshot mac greenshot mac osx screenshot macos screen capture apple screenshot shortcut mac copy screenshot to clipboard macos snipping tool partial screenshot mac copy screenshot to clipboard mac ss in mac print screen mac keyboard macos take screenshot mac os screenshot shortcut mac os screen capture snippet on mac screen video mac mac screen capture shortcut screenshot shortcut in mac snip on macbook screenshot whole page mac paste screenshot mac shortcut to screenshot on mac snipping tool macbook air snipping tool on macbook screenshot mac book air snip screenshot mac screenshot entire webpage mac screen snip on mac snip macbook screenshot part of screen mac screenshot on macbook pro 2021 shortcut for screenshot in mac screen record shortcut mac mac screenshot hotkey take picture on mac full page screenshot mac snapshot macbook apple screen capture screen grab macbook screen shots on mac